
EASA recognizes the importance of protecting the corporate information you provide. 

EASA collects and uses information that alone or in combination with other information could be used to identify you (“Personal Data”) in order to deliver products and services, 处理加入的应用程序, inform you of various opportunities and provide support.

This policy outlines the information EASA collects, how it uses the information and data practices regarding Personal Data and other information collected in connection with:

  • 您对EASA网站www的使用.网赌平台.com (where you can learn about EASA’s products and services, 申请成为会员, perform transactions and engage with content)
  • 您的EASA会员记录和历史
  • 你可能参加的活动
  • 您可以订购的产品



EASA collects Personal Data provided when individuals interact with EASA products and services. The types of Personal Data we collect vary but generally include:

  • 联络资料(e).g., name, personal and/or business addresses, phone and fax numbers, email addresses and titles)
  • Information provided via applications, registration forms, 配置文件s, surveys or purchase forms
  • The data collected is considered necessary in order to achieve satisfactory fulfillment of association business and transactions


当你参与网赌平台的网站, EASA may collect information about your device and visits through cookies, 网络信标和其他技术, Internet Protocol (IP) address tracking/URL tracking and other tools. The types of automatically collected data collected on EASA’s 网站 through the use of these and other tools may include: the search terms you used, 新的或返回的用户信息, 浏览器的信息, 计算机或设备类型, 操作系统, 互联网服务提供商, 网站的使用, 引用/退出页面, 平台类型, 日期/时间戳, 地理区域, 点击次数和广告浏览次数.



  • Notify you of relevant products and services
  • Notify you of upcoming events and programs
  • 填充成员在线目录
  • Publish member 配置文件s on the EASA 网站
  • Publish attendee registration lists for EASA-sponsored events including the annual convention and exhibition
  • Keep you abreast of industry news and information
  • Provide support for other services you have ordered, as well as information regarding membership benefits and services. 欧盟数据主体, such use is necessary for the purposes of providing membership services.

EASA does not sell or trade email addresses to third parties. 会员 lists are sold (without email addresses) and also shared in electronic format to EASA chapters/regions for chapter/regional use only. Member information is published on the 网站 via the “寻找会员” section.


EASA uses your contact information to notify you by email 或通过 phone regarding information that may be of interest to you. If you do not wish to receive marketing materials, you may share your preference by contacting EASA using the information below 或通过 updating your marketing communication preferences on your 我的账户 配置文件. You may also unsubscribe from marketing communications by clicking the “unsubscribe” link located on the bottom of EASA emails.

Where required by the applicable law (for example if you are an EU Data Subject), EASA will send marketing information only with your consent, which was given at the time you provided us with the Personal Data. 在这种情况下, if you do not provide us with your consent to the processing of your Personal Data for this purpose, 网赌平台不会将此信息发送给您. 如果你允许的话, we may also use the information you provide to use as a testimonial posted on the 网站.


如果您通过电子邮件与EASA通信, 邮政服务, web forms or another form of communication, EASA may retain the correspondence and the information it contains. EASA may use the information for business purposes, including responding to your inquiry and notifying you of EASA opportunities.

URL & IP地址

EASA collects information about users’ IP地址es, including users’ utilization of our 网站, to help EASA design its 网站 to better suit users’ needs. EASA may use information about your IP地址 to help diagnose problems with its server, 管理其网站, 分析趋势, track visitor behavior and gather information that assists in identifying visitor preferences.

EASA may use your IP地址 to enhance security and investigate an actual or potential security incident. 欧盟数据主体, this use of your information is necessary for EASA’s legitimate interests in understanding how the 网站 and services are being used by you, to improve your experience and to ensure network and information security.


EASA也可以编译, anonymize and/or aggregate Personal Data and other information collected about 网站 visitors and use such data for business purposes. This aggregate information does not identify you.


EASA discloses collected Personal Data in accordance with the terms set forth in this section.

EASA shares your Personal Data with third parties that provide certain services to assist us in meeting business operation needs. These parties are authorized to process your Personal Data on EASA’s behalf and pursuant to EASA’s instructions, only as necessary to provide these services. Your Personal Data is shared with the following service providers:

  • Providers of payment processing and accounting, as necessary to process payment
  • Providers of back-office database and marketing systems
  • Contracted vendors for certain events, including the 公约

EASA may also disclose Personal Data to third parties in the following circumstances:

  • 如果您要求或授权
  • The information is provided to comply with the law
  • To respond to a government request or to lawful requests by public authorities
  • 应对紧急情况或上帝的行动

如果欧洲航空安全局参与了合并, 收购, 融资尽职调查, 重组, 破产, 破产管理, sale or transition of service to another provider, your Personal Data and other information may be transferred to a successor of an affiliate as part of that transaction along with other assets.

EASA collects, stores and processes the information in the U.S. 如果你不在美国.S., your Personal Data and other information will be transferred to the U.S. The data privacy and data protection laws outside your country may offer less protection than the laws in your country. By using EASA services, you agree to the transfer of your Personal Data. If you do not agree to such cross-border transfers of your Personal Data, please do not submit it through the 网站.

How you can access and change information

EASA acknowledges that you have the right to access your Personal Data. 

在欧洲航空安全局的网站上,网址是 我的账户, which requires you to use your login and password, you may access and edit your Personal Data and marketing communication preferences directly. Company mailing addresses may be changed online by the company's primary contact or sending an email to EASA Customer Service at 网赌平台info@网赌平台.com. In case you request us to remove data, contact us at datarequest@网赌平台.com, and we will respond within a reasonable timeframe.

如果您是欧盟数据主体, please see the “欧盟数据主体” section below for information on your rights in relation to the Personal Data we hold about you.


This section applies if you are a citizen of the European Union (“EU,” “EU Data Subject”). 出于这些目的, the reference to the EU also includes the European Economic Area countries of Iceland, 列支敦士登,挪威和, 在适用情况下, 瑞士.

网赌平台公司. is the data controller for the processing of your Personal Data.

Subject to applicable law, you have the following rights in relation to your Personal Data:

  • 访问权:如果你问的话, EASA will confirm whether it is processing your Personal Data and if so, provide you with a copy of that Personal Data (along with certain other details).
  • Right to rectification: If your Personal Data is inaccurate or incomplete, you are entitled to have it rectified or completed. If EASA has shared your Personal Data with others, EASA will tell them about the rectification where possible. 如果你问, 在可能和合法的情况下这样做, EASA will also tell you with whom we shared your Personal Data so that you can contact them directly.
  • Right to erasure: You may ask EASA to delete or remove your Personal Data and EASA will do so. If EASA has shared your data with others, EASA will tell them about the erasure where possible. 如果你问, EASA will also tell you with whom your Personal Data was shared so that you can contact them directly.
  • Right to restrict processing: You may ask EASA to restrict or ‘block’ the processing of your Personal Data in certain circumstances, such as where you contest the accuracy of that Personal Data or object to us processing it. EASA will tell you before it lifts any restriction on processing. If EASA has shared your Personal Data with others, EASA will tell them about the restriction where possible. 如果你问, EASA will also tell you with whom your Personal Data was shared so that you can contact them directly.
  • Right to data portability: Effective 25 May 2018, you have the right to obtain your Personal Data that you consented to give or that is necessary to perform a contract with you. EASA will give you your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. 您可以在其他地方重用它.
  • Right to object: You may ask EASA at any time to stop processing your Personal Data, 它将会这样做, as EASA relies on a legitimate interest to process your Personal Data — unless we demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing, or if EASA is processing your Personal Data for direct marketing.
  • Rights in relation to automated decision-making and profiling: You have the right to be free from decisions based solely on automated processing of your Personal Data, 包括分析, 会影响到你, unless such processing is necessary for entering into, 或者是, a contract between you and EASA or you provide your explicit consent to such processing.
  • Right to withdraw consent: If EASA relies on your consent to process your Personal Data, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. This will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on your prior consent.
  • Right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority: If you have a concern about EASA’s privacy practices, including the way EASA has handled your Personal Data, you can report it to the data protection authority that is authorized to hear those concerns.

 You may exercise your rights by contacting us at datarequest@网赌平台.com.

Legitimate Interest: EASA’s processing of your data is necessary in order to deliver products and services to you. 会员, event registration or attendance and product purchase constitute a contract between the Data Subject and EASA. EASA uses data in ways individuals would reasonably expect and have minimal privacy impact. Nonmembers opting into receiving content provide their consent to EASA to process their Personal Data. Nonmembers who are citizens of the EU have the same rights to their Personal Data as members.  


EASA maintains security procedures and standards which we believe are as safe as today’s technology permits.  We test these procedures and modify them regularly as new technologies become feasible.

Credit information that you and credit authorizers provide when you make payments by credit card for products, dues or other services are encrypted and will only be used to process the transactions you request.  This information will never be sold, shared or provided to other third parties.

We do not request nor do we use social security numbers in the course of our business with our members or the public.


EASA retains your Personal Data for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you services, 遵守网赌平台的法律义务, resolve disputes and enforce our contracts. Inactive account data is maintained for a period of 10 years. In accordance with recommendations from our audit firm, financial records are maintained for a period of 10 years. After the 10-year period, the account data is reviewed.


EASA and its partners use cookies and other technologies to 分析趋势, 管理网站, track users’ movements around the 网站 and to collect information about browsing habits in order to make services relevant to you and your interests.

当你第一次访问网站时, you will be asked to consent to the use of cookies and similar technologies on the 网站 in accordance with this Policy. If you accept, we will store cookies and similar technologies on your computer.


Cookies are pieces of data sent to your browser when you visit a 网站 and stored on your computer’s hard drive. Cookies may store user preferences and other information. For example, cookies can store your session information for easy log-in to a 网站. EASA uses both session ID cookies and persistent cookies. A session ID cookie expires when you close your browser. A persistent cookie remains on your hard drive for a set period of time or until you delete it.

You can choose to block or delete cookies by changing your browser settings. You can also prevent your data from being collected by Google Analytics on 网站s by downloading and installing the Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-on for your current web browser.

Inapplicability of privacy policies of any linked 网站s or other third parties

This 隐私政策 only addresses EASA’s use and disclosure of your Personal Data. The 网站 may contain links to other 网站s, so please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of other 网站s, and we are not liable for their misuse of Personal Data. We encourage you to be aware that when you go to another 网站, you should carefully read their privacy policy.


作为网赌平台, its products and its services change from time to time, we may update this 隐私政策 to reflect changes to our information practices. We reserve the right to amend the 隐私政策 at any time, 出于某种原因, and may do so by posting a new version online. 您继续使用EASA服务, 网站, and provision of Personal Data to us will be subject to the terms of the then-current 隐私政策. If we make any changes or if otherwise required by law, we will notify you by email (sent to the email address specified in your account) 或通过 means of a notice on this 网站 prior to the change. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices.


你可以在美国旅行期间联系EASA.S. 中央时间营业时间(上午8点.m. - 4:30 p.m.) with questions or requests relating to this policy.

地址: 鲍尔大道1331号., St. 路易, MO 63132 美国
电话号码: +1 314 993 2220
电子邮件: datarequest@网赌平台.com